The CTi Acrylistain finish provides your home with the rich, warm look of concrete stain while giving your floors a tough as nails protective coating that will withstand heavy traffic, stains and keep its luster for years.
The Acrylistain System comes in a number of colors and styles to give you a look that is all your own. Unlike acid stained concrete, CTi's Acrylistain System uses only environmentally friendly products that will not damage cabinets, rails and the surrounding areas. In addition, the Acrylistain System provides a consistent, color integrated look that is not affected by the PH or make-up of the concrete.
The Acrylistain System can be used for: -Kitchens -Playrooms -Basements -Bathrooms -Foyers
Outside the home it can be used for: -Driveways -Patios -Walkways